Join us for a retreat at Kiah Ridge and make time to enrich your relationships with the church family.
The theme for the weekend is “Generation to Generation - Discipleship for the Long Run”. Our heart for this camp is to encourage everyone to see the loving impact Jesus makes for all generations. We’ll be leaning into the book of Ephesians, understanding the life-changing, culture-transforming power of the Gospel.
Getting Ready for Camp
1. Read Ephesians and consider the Generational impact of the Gospel
Take time to prayerfully considerhow Jesus is shaping you and the culture around you. How can our church reflect the vibrant unity passionately described in Ephesians?
2. Visit the Camp Event Page for more information
More information about the program, activities, accommodation and catering are available on the church camp event page. If you haven't completed paying for camp, payments are due by 10th September.
3. Complete the Mission Survey (linked below)
As we think about a lifetime of discipleship, our Mission Leadership Team is going to lead us in two workshop activities to help us think about God's heart for the world - globally and locally. To help the team prepare for these workshops - please complete the Mission Survey by 18th September.
Three reasons why we look forward to camp
1. To experience church life together
We will enjoy one another, sing together, speak and listen to one another, eat together and devote ourselves to the teaching of God's word together. All the things that made the early church in Acts a vibrant church - we commit the time for these things with one another.
2. To invest in our missional purpose
Living out our faith and making disciples is relational and intentional - it's what God made for us to do. Church camp is a great time to build the relational foundation with people that you serve with, as well as people that you are praying will respond to Christ's message for them.
3. To nurture your spiritual health
Church camp is a time to disconnect from your work and your routines. It's a great time to just be you, among great people. Use this weekend to reflect how God is leading you - in this season and in every season.
Helpful Links
Directions (from Kiah Ridge website)
Dietary Requirements Form (from Kiah Ridge website)