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Seniors Walkabout

Come and join in the fun for a foreshore walk of picturesque Breakfast Point/Cabarita on Friday August 18.

Please assemble at Cabarita at 9.30 am. There are limited parking permits, so please try to car pool or come by ferry to Cabarita Wharf.

We will walk for about 90 minutes and those of you who prefer an easier pace can take a shorter route.

Lunch will be at a quaint waterfront cafe which serves a good variety of food at reasonable prices.

After lunch we will watch the first of a series of videos on how to change our mindset to become more effective as salt and light to influence people for Christ.

Please RSVP to Albert Lee by August 14

9:30am Foreshore Walk

11:30am Lunch

1:00pm Video on Salt and Light

2:00pm Fellowship

30 July

Joshua - The Promised Life

29 September

Church Camp 2023