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What’s baptism?

Baptism represents the acceptance of the following things:

  • Christ’s death washes us clean from sin. We accept His forgiveness and choose to live apart from sin. (Romans 6:4; 1 Peter 3:21)

  • We are united with Christ, so that with Him, we will overcome death. (John 3:5; Mark 16:16)

  • We choose to make a personal commitment to follow Jesus, as the King of our life. His ways are good. (Galatians 3:27)

Baptism makes a firm declaration of our personal decision to follow Jesus.

Thinking about being baptised?

If you’ve made a decision to follow Jesus, but haven’t been baptised, let Pastor Joel know. Or maybe you have more questions about what it means to be a Christian! Everyone who’s thinking about getting baptised will be getting together on 23rd February, 12pm.

Baptism service details

The baptism service will be held on Saturday 22th March, 4pm. We'll worship together, and hear the way that Jesus has impacted the lives of those who will be baptised. After the baptism, we will have dinner, sharing the time of fellowship together. Following the service, we will have dinner together.

Your RSVP by March 15th is appreciated so we can cater accordingly.

28 February

Dear ECC