Through this first term, we will preach through the second half of John (Chapters 12-21).
In this series, we will journey with Jesus and the disciples in the final part of the journey that lead Jesus to the cross. The disciples have been on the road with him for most of Jesus’ public ministry. For about 3 and a half years, Jesus has been revealing to the world that He is from God and IS God. It’s been a magnificent journey:miracles, healings...and Jesus just raised Lazarus from death! But it’s also challenging: the Pharisees have been throwing hurdles at every step.
A fair chunk of what we uncover revolves around the Last Supper (Chapter 13-17). It’s an emotionally charged night, which will only get more chaotic. Jesus’ time has come. Jesus knows he will fulfil His ultimate purpose very soon. Tomorrow, he will be crucified as the once-and-for-all sacrifice that can atone (i.e. pay the price) for sin. With precious little time left, Jesus makes sure he leaves His disciples with the most important messages.
Jesus makes sure the disciples are reminded of the love and unity he shares with the Father. It’s a love and unity he shares with the disciples. It’s a love and unity he wants to share with the world. It’s a love and unity he wants US to share with the world. Yet at times, we are at odds with life: the anxiety of the unknown, the doubts of whether Jesus is really with us, the confrontation of people who hate Jesus’ message and so, hate us. But Jesus comforts and strengthens us, knowing that by living by his humble actions, we can overcome the world.