Useful Guides
We live in a world where we’re bombarded with choices. We’ve even got names like FOMO (fear of missing out) and STABO (Subject To a Better Offer) demonstrating that we’re always living wondering whether there’s always something better that we don’t have. How do you live a life of contentment in a world that is always trying to sell you something more? We’ll be exploring this question together as we delve into the book of Philippians.
Dr William Wan will help us explore how Christians can live a complete life with a heart of contentment. Registrations are open now!
Contented to know Christ
Contented to be like Christ
Contented to rejoice in Christ
Contented to advance the Gospel of Christ.
Meet Our Speaker
Rev Dr William Wan, JP., PhD. is a lawyer and pastor who speaks and writes about “matters of the heart”. A life lived in multiple chapters – from adversarial litigation to mediating kindness, he is breaking the silver ceiling with spring in the autumn of his life. Currently managing a law firm, consulting for the Singapore Kindness Movement and the Agency for Integrated Care, and Senior Fellow at National University’s Mind Science Center and the School of Positive Psychology.
Three reasons why we look forward to camp
1. To experience church life together
We will enjoy one another, sing together, speak and listen to one another, eat together and devote ourselves to the teaching of God's word together. All the things that made the early church in Acts a vibrant church - we commit the time for these things with one another.
2. To invest in our missional purpose
Living out our faith and making disciples is relational and intentional - it's what God made for us to do. Church camp is a great time to build the relational foundation with people that you serve with, as well as people that you are praying will respond to Christ's message for them.
3. To nurture your spiritual health
Church camp is a time to disconnect from your work and your routines. It's a great time to just be you, among great people. Use this weekend to reflect how God is leading you - in this season and in every season.