Our AGM is a time for us to celebrate what God is doing through the many facets of ministry at ECC. It’s a time that our leaders can share our vision for the upcoming year. It’s a time that shapes how we steward what we have to serve with. It’s a time for you to consider how you are part of a ministry that serves and builds a Kingdom for Christ.
We invite all people connected with the ministry of ECC to attend our AGM. If you’re not a member of ECC and would like to attend, we just ask that you inform Pastor Joel or one of the Elders by 15 November.
For voting members, we are seeking the confirmation of Elaine Chan as Deacon for another term (3 years). Elaine has previously served as a deacon, and her return to the church council brings a servant heart and experience to the team. The voting will be conducted during the AGM.
The AGM will commence at 11:30am on 17th November.